Wellcome to National Portal
মেনু নির্বাচন করুন
Main Comtent Skiped
Palli Daridro Bimochon Foundation, Deputy Director's Office, Building-32, 3rd Floor, ABC Point, Uptown Main Road, Sylhet.


Poverty alleviation is a program of overall priority in Bangladesh like the rest of the world. For the successful implementation of this program, PDBF mobilizes the underprivileged people in rural areas through effective credit programs, capital formation through savings of poor people, establishment of small scale industries through creation of small entrepreneurs, reaching electrified areas, skill development training, leadership development and social development. Being able to make a significant contribution to training and empowerment of women. Besides, currently PDBF is able to play an admirable role in the implementation of various developmental projects of the government. With the aim of making Bangladesh free from hunger and poverty, PDBF has included 10,483 beneficiary members in the past 03 years under 18 offices in 18 upazilas of 03 districts of Sylhet region for participation in productive activities, employment generation and financial self-sufficiency of rural poor and disadvantaged people and disbursing loans. 56 crore 12 lakh 99 thousand taka, loan recovery rate is 86%. In the last 03 years, the amount of net savings of the beneficiary members is 8 crore 82 lakh 98 thousand 69 taka. In this program, about 31,680 rural communities have been given opportunities for self-employment through various income-generating activities such as cow-breeding, fish farming, handicrafts, vegetable farming, nurseries, chicken rearing etc. As a result, PDBF has been able to contribute significantly to the growth of national production.